Tuesday 14 February 2012


We always look for simple ways to organize things around us in order to keep our house clean and tidy. But despite of all our efforts quite often we see ourselves surrounded with items that we don't know where to keep or store. In fact, some of these items might not be used in our daily activities but considering that we might need them for some unexpected work in future we avoid keeping them out of our sight or either bury them in drawers. However, seeing such items around us or finding them unwantedly in the middle of some other work can be a bit annoying. Hence, to solve this problem, a pegboard can be very helpful. But what exactly is a pegboard, we will know in the following section.
Pegboard is a perforated hardboard containing evenly spaced drilled holes to keep items like workshop or garage tools, kitchen utensils, etc. The board is made from hardboard, wood or metal, and its pre-drilled holes are used to hold pegs and hooks in order to support various tools. A typical pegboard is prepared of wood fibers and some amount of resin. The board is fortified with a thin coat of linseed oil and is then heated at high temperatures to polymerize the oil. This increases the pegboard's durability, impact resistance, hardness and tensile strength.
Considered to be the best storage device, the pegboard is primarily used to hang different types of accessories which help in creating more storage space, especially in those areas where space is a major concern. But if you are thinking that hanging a wooden or metal pegboard in your room can affect your home decor, then let me tell you that there are several pegboard ideas that can be used to install a pegboard in a creative way which will not hamper your room decor rather will help in keeping your room space more organized. Hence, a pegboard can be used anywhere in your house, i.e. kitchen, bathroom, closets or any other room where you need an easy storage solution. Hence, if you are planning to install a pegboard in your house, check out the below given pegboard installation technique.
Pegboard Installation
Installing a pegboard is not as difficult as it seems to be. Therefore, take a look at the below given step by step instructions on pegboard installation.
Step 1: First and foremost decide where you want to mount your pegboard. Once you have decided that, while mounting, make sure you leave enough space behind the surface of the board. This is because the hooks or pegs which are to be inserted through the holes in the board would be hooked from behind.
Step 2: The next step in installing the pegboard is to mark the locations of the wall studs. This is done in order to mount the board support strips on the wall. Po położony, z pomocą poziomicy poprowadzić poziomą linię na ścianie dalszych wskazówek.
Krok 3: Tutaj będziemy stanowią ramy dla zarządu, więc po znaku na ścianie, montaż poziomy pas z drewna do ściany za pomocą wkrętów do drewna. Force śrubki do stadniny wsparcie i spróbuj zainstalować również inne paski pionowe paski, w tym w regionie centrum stworzyć ramy wspierające blachy perforowanej.
Krok 4: Obliczenie pomiarów blachy perforowanej, a zatem cięcie materiału pokładzie układanki. Po cięciu, montażu blachy perforowanej do przygotowanej ramy przy pomocy wkrętów i akumulatorowa wiertarko-wkrętarka z śrubokręta.
Krok 5: Na koniec, gdy z blachy perforowanej jest poprawnie zamontowany, umieścić haków do otworów, a następnie powiesić swoje narzędzia i inne akcesoria. W przypadku pominięcia, które narzędzie idzie, gdzie można narysować kontur wokół zawieszenia narzędzi lub może numer zgodnie z ich miejsc powieszenie.
Były pewne łatwe do naśladowania wskazówki, jak zainstalować z blachy perforowanej. Z blachy perforowanej to prosty sposób na miejsce i dotrzeć do tych, często, a nawet rzadziej używane rzeczy, które inaczej były rozproszone w naszej sali i dał niechlujny wygląd. Mam nadzieję, że informacje zawarte w tym artykule okażą się przydatne i istotne informacje do was wszystkich.

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